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Too Wild to Stay

I grew up in the middle of nowhere

In an antique shop

Driven by creeks and fireflies

Summer bike rides

And blissful night skies

I was tamed enough they could put me in school

And too wild to stay

I smoked pot and made straight A’s for the first time

Dealt with alcoholic and dysfunctional family

Finally found a productive way to escape

lost my virginity

Got arrested at 17 started drinking

Married at 19

Divorced at 23

Found my way behind the bar

Serving drinks and living free


And running

Just trying to find me

Find my way out from under

The spell I was born into

Went to Art School

Thought I’d be more than what I seemed

Get a degree in something that felt right

But it taught me a lot

Mainly how to be better at not listening to my creativity

Art School wasn't what I thought it would be

It was more about who I met

Than anything

She resisted and I persisted

I could see the innocence I’d lost

Reflected and projected

Married at 36


come and gone


come full circle

Just spirit and bare feet

Shedding all the layers

Setting my soul free

Each moment a mystery

Each feather a miracle

Each breath a gift

The land in between

Surrender to still

Taking the Shawl

Finally took me


Mavis Louise




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